Neurofeedback is a pain-free, non-drug, treatment method which teaches the brain to become more healthy, stable, and balanced. Well-developed technology measures individual brainwaves, encourages ideal brain patterns, and rewards the brain for creating the specific brain patterns that allow it to perform and function optimally. Neurofeedback is helpful for conditions in which the brain is not working as well as it could. With Neurofeedback training you can enhance mental clarity, think more quickly and clearly, enhance mental processing, increase attention and concentration, improve learning and memory, promote mental flexibility, shift more easily from one task to another, regulate emotion, adjust behaviour, balance daily functioning, sharp timing and skills for peak performance in sports, improve overall brain function and to feel better in general.
what is
who is

how long will each SESSION LAST
This training is open to everyone who wants to improve their daily functioning, in work, school, social activities and relationships. This is a non-medication approach that helps overcome a variety of symptoms by improving brain behaviour. This is your opportunity to maximise your potential and to improve your life.
A Neurofeedback session averages 30 to 45 minutes. During the session, the clinician will hook small electrodes to specific places on your head depending on your unique needs, and you’ll play a game or watch a movie on a computer screen. Through careful tuning, the Neurofeedback technician adjusts the settings so that you receive rewards based on optimal brainwave patterns.
Your Neurofeedback practitioner will conduct a thorough interview to learn about certain challenges or symptoms you may have, any prior head traumas, sleep patterns, diet and exercise routines, and general information about how you function and process information. The session then continues with measuring electrical activity in the brain via a non-invasive EEG. The clinician analyses that information and programs a training goal into a computer. In the case of someone who is depressed, the aim of the session might be for the brain to work faster, or if the person suffers from anxiety to operate more slowly. Whenever the “player’s” brain reaches that goal frequency, if only for a moment, he is rewarded with a beep or a flashing light. With the help of these rewards and with repetition, the brain learns how to more easily and more frequently operate at the more desirable level. When that occurs, many bothersome symptoms caused by the formerly dysregulated brain dissipate. This result is similar to the result one gets from frequently practicing a golf swing until “muscle memory” becomes strong and a good swing occurs more often than a poor one.
What can I
expect in the session
Will this affect
my medication
Neurofeedback, psychology, and medication work hand-in-hand. Training is used with patients both on and off medication. As the brain stabilises and becomes better regulated, medications, psychology etc. often become more effective. It’s not uncommon to see a reduced need for medication as brain regulation increases.

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